How Alcohol Can Kill Your Liver — And You

The response to my blog; Should Alcoholics Get Liver Transplants, was overwhelming.  I’ve been posting for a little over a year and no other blog has generated a response as heavy as this one.  Because so many people were interested in the effect of alcohol on the liver, I decided to offer a brief expansion of the topic.


I think it is important to point out here that while I am a recovering alcoholic I am not anti-alcohol.  There are, though, some instances where abstinence is absolutely necessary.  Such is the case with liver disease.


According to the American Liver Foundation (ALF), (

the liver breaks down alcohol so it can be eliminated from your body. If you consume more alcohol than the liver can process, the resulting imbalance can injure the liver by interfering with its normal breakdown of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

The ALF says there are three kinds of liver disease related to alcohol consumption:

Fatty liver is marked by a build-up of fat cells in the liver. Usually there are no symptoms, although the liver may be enlarged and you may experience discomfort in your upper abdomen. Fatty liver occurs in almost all people who drink heavily. The condition will improve after you stop drinking.

Alcoholic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Up to 35 percent of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and tenderness, fever and jaundice. In its mild form, alcoholic hepatitis can last for years and will cause progressive liver damage. The damage may be reversible if you stop drinking. In its severe form, the disease may occur suddenly, after binge drinking, and it can quickly lead to life-threatening complications.

Alcoholic cirrhosis is the most serious type of alcohol-induced liver disease. Cirrhosis refers to the replacement of normal liver tissue with scar tissue. Between 10 and 20 percent of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis, usually after 10 or more years of drinking. Symptoms of cirrhosis are similar to those of alcoholic hepatitis. The damage from cirrhosis is not reversible, and it is a life-threatening disease. Your condition may stabilize if you stop drinking.

Many heavy drinkers will progress from fatty liver to alcoholic hepatitis and finally to alcoholic cirrhosis, though the progression may vary from patient to patient. The risk of developing cirrhosis is particularly high for people who drink heavily and have another chronic liver disease such as viral hepatitis C.

The ALF makes it very clear that if you have any liver disease you must stop drinking, period!  “Your doctor may suggest changes in your diet and certain vitamin supplements to help your liver recover from the alcohol-related damage. Medications may be needed to manage the complications caused by your liver damage. In advanced cases of alcoholic cirrhosis, the only treatment option may be a liver transplant. However, active alcoholics will usually not qualify as suitable organ recipients.”

Once people become aware of the dangers alcohol poses to the liver, the first question they ask is, “Can I drink at all?  Is there a safe level of drinking?”  Here’s ALF’s response:

“For most people, moderate drinking will not lead to alcohol-induced liver disease. Moderate drinking means no more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. (A standard drink is one 12-ounce beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine or one 1.5-ounce shot of distilled spirits.) However, for people with chronic liver disease, especially alcohol-induced liver disease, even small amounts of alcohol can make the liver disease worse. Patients with alcohol-induced liver disease and those with cirrhosis from any cause should stop using alcohol completely.

Women are more likely to be affected by alcohol-induced liver disease because women can be affected by smaller amounts of alcohol than men.”

Finally The American Liver Foundation says:  “Serious complications from alcohol-induced liver disease typically occur after many years of heavy drinking. Once they do occur, the complications can be serious and life-threatening. They may include:

·         Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen

·         Bleeding from veins in the esophagus

·         Enlarged spleen

·         High blood pressure in the liver

·         Changes in mental function, and coma

·         Kidney failure

·         Liver cancer”

The basic philosophy behind this blog is to advance organ donation but because there is such an organ shortage it is important, too, to protect our organs.  Steps can be taken to avoid needing an organ transplant.  Moderation of alcohol consumption is one of them.

Bob Aronson of Bob’s Newheart is a 2007 heart transplant recipient, the founder of Facebook’s nearly 2,500 member Organ Transplant Initiative and the author of most of these donation/transplantation blogs.

You may comment in the space provided or email your thoughts to me at And – please spread the word about the immediate need for more organ donors. There is nothing you can do that is of greater importance. If you convince one person to be an organ and tissue donor you may save or positively affect over 60 lives. Some of those lives may be people you know and love.

Please view our video “Thank You From the Bottom of my Donor’s heart” on This video was produced to promote organ donation so it is free and no permission is needed for its use.

If you want to spread the word personally about organ donation, we have another PowerPoint slide show for your use free and without permission. Just go to and click on “Life Pass It On” on the left side of the screen and then just follow the directions. This is NOT a stand-alone show; it needs a presenter but is professionally produced and factually sound. If you decide to use the show I will send you a free copy of my e-book, “How to Get a Standing “O” that will help you with presentation skills. Just write to and usually you will get a copy the same day.

Also…there is more information on this blog site about other donation/transplantation issues. Additionally we would love to have you join our Facebook group, Organ Transplant Initiative The more members we get the greater our clout with decision makers.

About Bob Aronson

Bob Aronson is a former journalist, a Minnesota Governor's Press Secretary and talk show host. For nearly a quarter of a century, he led the Aronson Partnership, a Minnesota-based communications consultancy that prepared corporate and government executives for crisis situations, regulatory testimony, media interviews and Presentations. Among his clients were all three U.S. Mayo Clinic locations, 3M, general Mills, CH2M Hill, the U.S. Department of Energy and scores more. In 2007 bob had a heart transplant after suffering from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy for 12 years. Shortly after he got his new heart he founded the now 4,300 member Facebook support group, Organ Transplant Initiative. At the same time, he established the Bob's Newheart blog where he has posted nearly 300 columns on organ donation, transplantation and other health related issues. The Viewpoint blog was started in late 2016 and bears the name of the Radio Talk show Bob did from 1966 until 1974, when he resigned to become Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich first Press secretary. Bob and his artist wife Robin, live in Jacksonville, Florida with their two dogs, Reilly and Ziggy. Bob is also a woodworker and makes all of the furnishings for Robin's art festival booth. He also makes one of a kind jewelry or "memories" boxes that he donates to select transplant patients, caregivers, donor families and others who have somehow contributed to making life easier for the ill, the elderly and the less fortunate. Bob is in the final stages of editing two full-length novels that will be available on Kindle when ready for release sometime in early 2017. One is a sci fi novel about an amazing discovery near Roswell, New Mexico and you will be surprised to find it has nothing to do with the Roswell story everyone knows. It features a woman scientist who investigates impact craters for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Dr. Rita Sylvester and her female student intern. The other book is a political thriller that introduces a new hero to the genre, Fargo Dennison.

Posted on March 4, 2009, in alcohol and drugs. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. is it safe for aliver transplant reciepient to have a glass of wine occassionally .


  2. I’ve been drinking a lot latly, my wife left me cuZ she’s a nutbag! I can’t seem to be able to get drunk any more. And my upper stomic has like a dullness to it. I’m only 32, could I have liver damage at 32?


  3. Im 43 and not touched a drop of alcohol for 7 months after being diagnosed with cirrhosis.
    I drank lager to start off with 20 years ago then moved to wine to keep weight down then to Gin & tonic in the last 5years. I never turned yellow or had any bleeding or itchyness . My eyes did look in a bad state though. Coming off drink seemed easy for me, i only had hallusinations for a week and spent a week in hospital because i did a Amy Winehouse and just quit instantly. To people who read this and want to stop drinking dont do it the way i did, please get supervised help from your doctor and be 100% honest with him.
    I think of drink still but dont have any cravings to get drunk. I now drink Bavaria 0% alcohol beer, it just tastes the same but no damage to the liver.
    Im going on holiday in 2 days to some hot weather and have toyed with the idea of having a drink, but scared to. I no i have the will power just to have what i wanted for one night and no more for another 7 months. The guilt doesnt bother me. I feel i wouldnt be able to relax and enjoy it as id be constantly seeing if i was turning yellow or going to drop down dead. Could that happen ?
    An answer would be greatfull.

    Lastly, quitting drinking has been good for me in other respects , drinking was affecting my memory, my appearence, my confidence, my wallet, and my relationship with my woman. Just take a back seat for once and look how much pain, humiliation you put them through and all the time they just want you to stop, and all you do is torment them by slowly killing yourself infront of them. Dont do it. These people want to help you. My mother helped me and i am so so greatful to her.
    Take care everyone.

    Mark – (England)


    • Mark … good for you, I’m glad you are able to stay away from drinking but don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can go out and drink once and then quit again. That’s the cunning nature of the disease of addiction, it will make you think that but you know in your heart that one drink is too many and a thousand is not enough. For me drinking is simply not an option I have in my life. But I never say I cannot drink again, ever. I just tell myself that I won’t have one right now..maybe later and in almost 30 years of sobriety, later has never come. You can do it Mark…you can, you must!


  4. 2Much of alcohol is nt gud in d bdy


  5. uh, Bob, what’s the point of copying and pasting content found elsewhere on the web on your blog? Isn’t the purpose of a blog “to create information or opinion based on the blogger’s own thought”?


    • I’m a former journalist. The purpose of my blog is to inform. Each day I get scores of questions about a multitude of subjects. In order to answer them I turn to the experts. It is what I did as a journalist and blogging, to me, is just an extension of my old profession.



    • Wow Josh, a truly original comment. Not only do you not know the definition of blogging, your insecurity has led you to aimlessly wander the internet in hopes of finding yourself. Good luck!


  1. Pingback: Alcoholism kills you

  2. Pingback: How Alcohol Can Kill Your Liver — And You « Bob’s NewHeart | The Cancer and You Network

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